The fall semester 2020 begins

Welcome Back 2020

  Today (Sep 7th 2020), the fall semester begins which is the start of my research journey in HKUST. For now, I enrolled 6 courses. Most of them have two classes in a week and each class hour is 80 minutes. The list of courses I take is below. The number of 4 digits represents the level of courses: 3000s is university level and 5000s is graduate school level. PDEV 6800 is a series of courses to gain practical knowledge to be TA as I mentioned before.

1:  COMP 5331 Knowledge Discovery In Database  Tue・Th 9:00am~10:20pm

2:  COMP 5411 Advanced Computer Graphic Wed・Fri 1:30pm~2:50pm

3:  COMP 3511 Operating Systems 

(lecture) Mon・Wed・12:00pm~1:20pm

(Labo):Fri 10:30am~12:20pm

4:  COMP 3721 Theory of Computation

(Lecture) Tue・Thu 12:00pm ~ 1:20pm

(Tutor) Wed 5:00pm ~ 5:50 pm

5:  PDEV 6800: thu 2:00pm~4:00pm

6:  COMP 6911 Computer Science and Engineering seminar Ⅰ  Mo 4:00pm ~ 4:50pm

All of the courses in Fall term are held on Zoom. In order to facilitate the online class experience, HKUST provides all students with a licensed account of Zoom with some paid features such as longer meeting time and virtual background. I was surprised by this educational environment which KobeU doesn’t provide.