Opening a bank account (not finished)

  A bank account which is available in Hong Kong should make your campus life easier to handle financial matters. Today, I went to some branch offices on campus, but all of them were closed due to COVID-19. So I searched for ways to open my bank account online. Below is the information I would like to share with new and potential students of HKUST.

  There are some banks available on campus. Among then, I focus on two banks, Bank of China and Hang Seng Bank. In 1917, Bank of China was established its presence in Hong Kong. It is a mainstreaming banking group with the most extensive branch network in Hong Kong. Previously, I just thought the bank was the branch of a big Chinese bank but it seems not be true. In order to open an account, what I learned from the official website is that you need to make an appointment online and go to a branch office in person. On the other hand, Hang Senge Bank was founded in 1933 with the name which means “ever-growing” in Chinese. It is one of the largest companies in Hong Kong with with many branches not only in Hong Kong but in China, Macau, Singapore and Taiwan. The procedures to open an account can be done online with a mobile app.

  But while I was doing the procedures on the app, a valid Hong Kong ID was required to go further steps. At the time of writing, I did not have it. And I remembered one of my roommates recommend Bank of China because a passport can be valid to verify identify. So I chose to use Bank of China for a while. Appointment for opening an account can be made via this link. The closest branch from the campus is in 坑口 (Hang Hau). I’ll be there this Thu.